學習筆記|看懂圖片意境的模型,LLaVA + Phi3和llama3的多模態方案

Eric Chang
10 min readMay 15, 2024


LLaVA(Large Language-and-Vision Assistant)是相當受到歡迎的GPT-4 對標產品,如其名是希望透過大型語言模型來實現對於視覺問題上的問答。

它的訓練方法簡單來說,就是結合預訓練的CLIP ViT-L/14視覺編碼器和Vicuna模型,並且在fine tune的階段對Visual Chat、Science QA進行相對應的調教。


由於結合了LLM模型,於是我們就有了將Vicuna模型進行替換的想法,思考能不能讓其他更先進的開源模型(llama3或者phi3)來進行結合,查看LLaVA的效果會不會更好。2024年1月,中國的華東師範大學發表了LLaVA-𝜙: Efficient Multi-Modal Assistant with Small Language Model這篇論文,就是在探討LLaVA結合小語言模型是否會有不錯的表現。

論文發布的當時,微軟的phi-3還沒有發布,所以論文使用的LLM模型為phi-2 (2.7B)的小模型,論文說明了即使是具有2.7B參數的小語言模型,只要它們是用高質量的語料庫訓練的,就可以有效地實現文本和視覺元素的複雜對話,而且在跟其他較為大型的語言模型上,表現甚至還有超越的可能,不過還是輸給LLaVA-1.5的表現。

另外有個限制在論文中也有提及,由於Phi-2使用了codegen mono 分詞器,因為論文內的模型並未專門進行多語言指令的微調, LLaVA-Phi架構無法處理多種語言的指令,包括中文的處理。

透過Python 實作llava-phi-3-mini推論




!pip install - upgrade -q accelerate bitsandbytes
!pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git

接著是準備相對應的Processor 跟量化物件。我們先說BitsAndBytes這quantization的方法,它採用混合精度(Mixed precision),也是CUDA的輕量化包裝,我們採用4bits精度。而AutoProcessor 是langchain用於載入模型的Processor,可以根據模型名稱自動選擇對應的Processor,並將Processor載入為可以直接使用的物件。

import torch
import requests
from transformers import AutoProcessor, LlavaForConditionalGeneration
from transformers import BitsAndBytesConfig
from PIL import Image

quantization_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(

model_id = "xtuner/llava-phi-3-mini-hf"

processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = LlavaForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_id, quantization_config=quantization_config, device_map="auto")


image1 = Image.open(requests.get("https://llava-vl.github.io/static/images/view.jpg", stream=True).raw)
image2 = Image.open(requests.get("http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg", stream=True).raw)

針對這兩張圖片,我下了一些問題,我有限制輸出的內容在100 tokens以內,如果想要更多的文字可以自己調整:

prompts = [
"USER: <image>\nPlease describe the weather in this image. \nASSISTANT:",
"USER: <image>\nPlease describe the colors in this image?\nASSISTANT:",

inputs = processor(prompts, images=[image1, image2], padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda")

output = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=100)
generated_text = processor.batch_decode(output, skip_special_tokens=True)
for text in generated_text:
print('=' * 12)


The weather in this image is cloudy.


The image features two cats, one with a gray and black striped coat and the other with a brown and black striped coat. The cats are laying on a pink couch. I’m sorry, but I am not able to generate images. Is there anything else I can help you with?


換llava-llama3在LM Studio試試看

在視覺模型的相關支援上,LM Studio的功能支援度跟資源還算是比較好的,而且也會根據電腦的規格來推薦比較適合的Model。我在Macbook本地下載完llava-llama3的模型後,上傳了一張我滿喜歡的藝術作品,並且請他描述一下他所看到的圖片。

Llava-llama3的原文回覆如下,其中sense of tranquility and solitude這句話讓我比較驚訝,代表本地的模型也是可以透過解讀圖片、去感受(或者猜想)圖片想要表達的意境,這是相對比較主觀的感受。

The image portrays a serene scene of a small building perched on the edge of a cliff. The building, painted in white with a contrasting blue roof, stands alone against the backdrop of the sky. The sky is a canvas of pink and orange hues, dotted with fluffy clouds that add depth to the vast expanse. A small trail, perhaps indicative of frequent visitors or animals, leads up to the building. Despite its simplicity, the image conveys a sense of tranquility and solitude. There are no discernible texts or countable objects in the image. The relative position of the building to the sky indicates it is at a considerable height due to its location on the cliff. The trail appears to be the only sign of human activity or interaction with the scene. The image does not provide any information that allows for confident identification of the worldwide landmark referred to as ‘sa_12554’.





Eric Chang
Eric Chang

Written by Eric Chang

Data Scientist. Strengthen learning through writing.

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